3rd Technical Meeting - online

In 9-15 December 2020 once again a virtual technical meeting to keep the project running.
The 3rd technical meeting of the SAVEMEDCOASTS-2 project was organized remotely in two separate sessions, respectively held on December the 09th and 15th, 2020. During the plenary session, each Work Package (WP) Leader shortly summarized and updated the Consortium about the progress made identifying together with the interlinked WPs the main gaps, issues, and needs to be addressed jointly in the next implementation period. The resulting key issues have been then discussed in four dedicated round tables, specifically about
- Relative SLR data for mapping flooding scenarios: results and mapping strategies
- WP5 and end-users’ approach: evaluation of the consistency of the hazard and vulnerability indicators with data made available by the other WPs and open-source data portals
- WP1 and internal strategy to ensure the cross-related project management aspects: relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability
- Storm surge and cascading effects: refinement of dataset and indices for the assessment of the cascading effects.
Information and the outcomes of the meeting will be applied in the next implementation period (01-06 2021).
All Dates
- From 2020-12-09 00:00 to 2020-12-15 00:00